Rivals 2 Officially Announced

04.04.2022, 10:50

comment 15

Last Friday we officially announced the sequel to Rivals of Aether through a trailer packed with fast-paced gameplay, beautiful stages, and even a tentative release date to look forward to. Zetterburn, Ranno, and Wrastor were revealed as the first three characters in the game, along with promises of more favorites returning.

We have an admittedly bad habit of making our biggest announcements on April 1st, so to assure you that you weren’t having a fever dream on Friday – here’s the serious news on our sequel’s announcement and currently released details.

Announcement Trailer

Our big reveal trailer capped off the Rivals Direct on Friday with the official announcement (and name reveal) of Rivals 2. Our release date is currently set in 2024. We know fans will have tons of questions, so we put together a page of answers to Frequently Asked Questions we’ve received so far as we teased development.

Game Details and Live Q&A

We also ran a live Q&A session that started with Dan and Trevor going through the FAQ and adding a few insights before taking questions from any twitch viewers who stuck around after the Rivals Direct 4.

You’ll also want to make sure to sign up for our Rivals 2 newsletter on the new website to stay up to date on development. Updates won’t be frequent yet since we’re still deep in development, but you won’t want to miss important announcements like the launch of closed beta testing. Sign up to make sure you have a chance to be one of the first to get your hands on the game.

Press Kit and High Quality Renders

Be sure to check out the official press kit if you want to get some high quality renders of characters, stages, and our new logo. More will be added as updates release.

Jobs at Aether Studios

To make this project a reality, we’ve been building a bigger team over the last few years to bring our dream platform fighter to life. Along with the game trailer, website, and Rivals Direct on Friday we also announced 4 new positions right here on our jobs section of AetherStudios.com. If you’d like to work with us and are able to work remotely please apply.

If you’re excited about Rivals 2 so far, you can be sure we’re just as excited to be making it! We know it’s still a long way out but you can believe the wait will be worth it. Our team is small but our ambitions are high, and we aim to compete against the best games on the market. There is a lot that we want to build to make Rivals 2 the best fighting game that it can be and we know we can reach that goal with time.

Feel free to leave us a comment here or on social media with any questions about the game.

15 responses to “Rivals 2 Officially Announced”

  1. Ridlay says:

    Hyyyyype! Can’t wait!

  2. ledge disliker says:

    ledges 🙁

  3. Alyx says:

    Probably a super ambitious ask, however, is there any plans for full community support like the first eventually? Like Brawl-esque modding? (Plan of course just being an idea or hopeful thinking as I’m totally sure making the game first is on the forefront of your minds)

    Either way I remember seeing the slight tease of Rivals 2 way back and to finally see a fully animated scene and a solid minute or two of fighting was mind blowing!

  4. aplsed says:

    Is Rivals 2 the final name?

  5. Luisar says:

    At this point they’ll eventually make a fake announcement on april fools and none of us will see it coming lol

  6. pixel8 says:

    this is stupid since it will be harder to make workshop characters

  7. Anonymoous says:

    I’m really happy with what I saw but I hope steam workshop support is planned, if not at launch, at a later moment after release. I know Rivals is very well known for its competitive play but a lot of people also enjoy its more casual side and specially the community content. Very few games are blessed with communities that are so talented to introduce so much content into the game and with developers that embrace them like you all did with RoA, so I hope that is also being kept for the sequel at some point. Anyways I’m hype too.

  8. probux says:

    yessir yessir

  9. SparksterFox says:

    Will there be Maypul and Skins?

  10. danko says:


  11. Diamond says:

    People have modded 3D games plenty before. I honestly don’t think this will be too severe of a setback for workshop support – maybe a bit less accessible than 2D sprite art, but not so extreme as to make the benefits not worth it.

  12. Ark says:

    God, I really hope that this game becomes the main competitive game in the smash/platform fighting game community. Ironically, in order to do so, I think they’ll have to focus on creating a lot more casual content so that it grabs and holds the attention of a wider audience, I only say this because I have no doubt that the team will create a deep engaging competitive fighter otherwise. Really looking forward to seeing Clarien’s model.

  13. Pengin says:

    workshop isn’t the only thing good about RoA + ratio

  14. Inkaliber says:

    Dang! This looks sick! I’m loving the updated move sets and graphics.

    While I’m excited to see what new characters you guys make for this one, I’m wondering how many of the old characters will make it. I love characters like Orcane and Maypul, but it’s very possible that not every character will make it. It’d be awesome if they could, but it’s a lot of work.

    You also have to consider if any of the characters from the spin-off Dungeons of Aether will pop up. Some of the characters from that game’s trailer looked awesome and I’m wondering how they’d play in a fighting game scenario.

    Anyway, keep up the good work and I hope to see more of this in the near future!

  15. Darniel Mojica says:

    Please make this game playable on Mac OS

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