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Quick fixes to get you back in the game.

Can I stream your games in my content?
Aether Studios allows for the contents of Rivals of Aether and Creatures of Aether to be published through video broadcasting services for any ..

Who can I talk to regarding store and in-app purchases?
Any questions regarding purchases made through the steam store, iOS, Android, or merchandise vendors should be made directly to their respective ..

Can’t Find Opponents
Help I Can’t Find Opponents in Queue If you’re having difficulty finding opponents in queue, try playing at peak hours for your region and make ..

Can’t Invite Friend to Switch Lobby
Can’t Invite Friend to Switch Lobby Occasionally players will report issues attempting to invite a friend to their game on Switch. If you’re ..

Replay Issues
Replay Says It’s Incompatible If your replay file says it’s incompatible the most likely reason is that the game was recently updated. Rivals ..

Controller/Adapter Issues
Dinput vs. Xinput Rivals natively supports dinput and xinput controllers as long as your PC recognizes them. If you are having trouble with a ..
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