Category: Technical support
Replay Says It’s Incompatible
If your replay file says it’s incompatible the most likely reason is that the game was recently updated. Rivals will only play replay files that match the version of the game they were recorded on. You can switch the game back to an older version to play your replays by changing your game properties in Steam.
Right click on Rivals in your Steam library > Click Properties > Click Betas in the menu > Select the version of the game that your replays were recorded on. After viewing them you can switch back to the regular version of the game from this same menu by choosing “none”.
Replays Won’t Save
If your replays won’t save, your replay folder might be full. Rivals will automatically make room for new replays to avoid this, but it will not clear starred replays. If your starred replays are filling up all of the slots you can save them by moving them to another directory. Simply cut/paste the .roa files from %localappdata%/rivalsofaether/replays into another folder.
Game Crashes When I Open Replay Menu
If your game crashes when hovering over a specific replay, that replay may be corrupted. Remove that file from your replay folder by navigating to %localappdata%/rivalsofaether/replays and deleting the corrupt replay to solve the issue.
If your game crashes immediately when entering the replay menu ,corrupted replays or replays from other versions of the game may be causing compatibility issues. Clear out your replay folder by navigating to %localappdata%/rivalsofaether/replays and deleting your .roa files to solve the issue.
Frozen Menu
Updated: 08.04.2021
If you’re finding an issue with your game menu freezing with only audio playing (like this), don’t fear! This has actually been an ..
Steam says “Preparing to start Rivals of Aether” but then the game doesn’t start.
Updated: 08.04.2021
There could be several reasons for this issue. A few possible fixes to try: Exit and restart steam. Uninstall and re-install Rivals of Aether ..
I am getting a message “FATAL ERROR in Fragment Shader compilation”
Updated: 09.04.2021
If you have tried running Rivals of Aether on a REALLY old GPU (generally pre-2009), you might be getting this kind of error one going anywhere ..